Saturday, 9 November 2013

Applied Zoopharmacognosy degree module: University of Greenwich

Caroline and Tom have been working with the University of Greenwich to create the first degree module of its type, offered as part of the BSc Hons, Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation.

Associate Professor Michael Hufman introduces Zoopharmacognacy

In the You Tube link below you will be able to watch colleague, associate professor, Michael Huffman, of the department of Social Behaviour and Ecology at the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan describing his first observations of Zoopharmacognosy.

Natural Health Radio

IAZ student Siobhan Pestano is interviewed by Natural Health Radio describing Applied Zoopharmacognosy and her life as a student. Please follow the link to hear the recording, also available on iTunes and You Tube (you will see a play, or download button on the screen):

Hope for Apes

We were delighted to attend the Hope for Apes Ball at the end of September to support the work of Ian Redmond OBE, who for thirty years has has been associated with Mountain Gorillas and their conservation. This wonderful event was co-hosted with Sir David Attenborough and Virginia McKenna OBE. If you would like to show your support for Hope for Apes and Born Free, please follow the links below: